30 Myers Road
Summertown, Tn. 38483-7323   U.S.A

Phone:        (931) 964-4151
Fax:           (931) 964-4228

Hours: 7:00 am-5:00 pm CST  M-F
Visits By Appointment Only
One of our water features
Description of site/project:  Starting with 48.46 acres of
abused, thickety regrowth forest (dry oak/hickory ridge)
amidst rolling hills with a highly erodible and very cherty soil,
interior road placement and water management were high
initial priorities.  We now have about 1¼ miles of interior
roads, 4 ponds ranging in size from 20' diameter to 2 acres
with which we are experimenting, trying to create a balanced
ecology – growing fish for the table and aquatic plants along
with a steadily increasing number of other water features.
All major structures (house, conference center, classroom,
equipment shed, office, greenhouse, guest buses) are
guttered and feed into 13 interconnected cisterns of
varying capacity with a current total capacity of
approximately 105,000 gallons with which we operate the
nursery and large food and flower gardens.  Greenhouses,
classroom, conference center, house and office are all
fitted with photovoltaic panels and battery storage.  One
greenhouse is solar passive, original design based on 20
years of observation and study in our climate (inside: light
frost while … outside: 0ºF with no supplemental heat).  Soil
building with extensive terracing and the construction of
raised beds help address our water situation, which is
sometimes over abundant (as much as 13" in 24 hours) or
droughty(up to 10 weeks with no measurable precipitation)
We continue our work begun in the early '80's at
Nobody's Mtn. of identifying, screening, and trialing
candidate plant species and cultivars that are not only
useful to the small land holder but are also neglect
tolerant(when properly sited) and suitable for
integration into Permaculture design schemes.  For
instance we are screening Vacciniums(about 7 dozen),
fruiting roses, hardy cactus, 40+ varieties of figs,
hardy kiwis, hazels, pomegranates, Quince and we
currently grow around 300 species and cultivars of
Bamboo – selling surplus plants, mainly Bamboo under
our dba 'Our' Bamboo Nursery and more recently as
retail vendors of useful Permaculture plants at the
Franklin Farmer's Market as a funding source(we
not set up for mail order except for Poncirus
trifoliata 'Flying Dragon'
). We are developing a
Bamboo Park and Education Center and usually try to
host at least one conference each year relating to
Bamboo and/or Stewardship.  We also publish
(sporadically) Temperate Bamboo Quarterly, an
international illustrated forum for sharing information
and views about Bamboo.  Observation and study of
both the natural and the man made world continue to
occupy most of our time.  "On the side" we grow most
of our food in year around gardens plus keep chickens,
turkeys and rabbits...and have amassed large
collections of Narcissus, Iris, Day lilies, Peonies(tree,
herbaceous and intersectional) which we call "Food for
the Spirit" and miscellaneous(maybe our largest
A few lessons we've learned:

The basic elements – fire (sun), earth (soil for growing,
preventing erosion, minimizing drought effect, etc.), air
(avoiding cold winds while increasing cooling breezes, etc.),
and water (having enough of the several grades of water –
drinking, cooking, washing, and garden water – and avoiding
potential devastation by too much) must always be kept in
mind, treated respectfully, and considered in all planning; or
as a friend of ours states it – Nature bats last.  Spirit, of
course, informs, unifies, motivates and sustains it all.  

Doing our homework, paying attention, tending to details,
applying our efforts in a timely manner and allowing time for
reflection are all crucial.  

Always allow more time than anticipated for a given task
because other tasks will insist on being dealt with in the
midst of doing the intended task.  

On the land (living in non-arbitrary reality) good intentions,
credit and excuses have no place.
Anything else we wish people to know about us and/or
our site:

We are semi-recluses, dedicated to our work (and Adam is
gruff), and we tend to have very little patience with
pretensions and those who cannot or will not pay attention.  
If you are looking for a social scene – pass us by.  While in
principle we agree people are important – the bottom line
is caring for the Earth and the
needs of the Earth come
before the
wants of the people.  We know this may sound
odd; however, we are certain generations to come will
understand and appreciate this sentiment.  One needs to
come here with an open mind/heart, centered and without